宝德0290电磁阀burkert 0290 - 伺服辅助式两位两通隔膜电磁阀For selecting the correct product please refer to the technical data,
宝德0290电磁阀burkert burkert0290电磁阀 *,欢迎前来咨询谢谢!
宝德0290电磁阀burkert 不需压差即可打开阀门。其打开过程是通过膜片与铁心的固定耦合完成的。内置的“soft-kick”功能以温和的方式打开阀门。根据不同的应用,可以选择各种膜片材质。阀体材质为不锈钢和灰铸铁。电磁线圈采用耐化学腐蚀的环氧树脂封装。所有 DC 式都带“kick and drop”电子线路,用以降低功耗。与 DIN EN 17301-803 A 型电缆插头配套,该阀的安全防护等级为 IP65,不锈钢阀体式 NEMA 4X。
0290 is servo type S.EV series solenoid valve. The valve can be opened without pressure difference. The opening process is accomplished by the diaphragm and the iron core fixed coupling. The built-in "soft-kick" function opens the valve in a gentle way. According to different applications, you can choose a variety of diaphragm material. The valve body is made of stainless steel and gray iron.
For selecting the correct product please refer to the technical data, images and notes for proper use according to the data sheet.