0142burkert0142电磁阀德国宝德电电磁阀 burkert 宝帝电磁阀,本链接上架的是电磁阀类别的介绍,报价并非产品实际的价格,如需确定采购,烦请客服咨询具体电磁阀的订货号(型号),拍前务必客服确定产品实际价格。可开17%增值税。
0142为伺服式隔膜电磁阀。要*打开或关闭阀门,需要一个zui小压差。根据不同的应用,可以选择各种膜片材质和工作方式。阀体材质为PVC 或 PVDF。 其两位三通先导阀的常开和常闭功能可方便地进行转换:只需将其在主阀座上进行旋转即可。先导阀位置反馈可以采用开关或 NAMUR 信号。电磁线圈采用耐化学腐蚀的环氧树脂封装。0142 型配备了手动开关,可用于调试和测试。如有节能要求,所有线圈都可提供节电式。与 DIN EN 17301-803 A 型电缆插头配套,该阀的安全防护等级为 IP65 和 NEMA 4X。
0142 is servo diaphragm solenoid valve. To open or close the valve compley, a minimum pressure difference is required. According to different applications, you can choose a variety of diaphragm materials and working methods. Valve body material is PVC or PVDF. The normally open and normally closed functions of the two position three way pilot valve can be conveniently converted: just rotate it on the main valve seat. The pilot valve position feedback can be switched or NAMUR signals. The electromagnetic coil is encapsulated by epoxy resin which is resistant to chemical corrosion. Type 0142 is equipped with a manual switch, which can be used for debugging and testing. All energy saving coils can be provided in all coils. With the DIN EN 17301-803 A type cable plug matching, the valve safety protection level is IP65 and NEMA 4X.