burkert0117电磁阀 A 00.0 EPDM W23MS德国宝德电电磁阀 burkert 宝帝电磁阀,本链接上架的是电磁阀类别的介绍,报价并非产品实际的价格,如需确定采购,烦请客服咨询具体电磁阀的订货号(型号),拍前务必客服确定产品实际价格。可开17%增值税。
burkert0117电磁阀 A 00.0 EPDM W23MS
型号 117 是一种直动式升降式衔铁电磁阀,带有相应的塑料外壳和一个具有 PTFE 涂层的隔膜。此设备可无需电流借助弹簧力关闭。接通时,磁芯受到吸引,由此克服弹簧力。阀门特别适合流量很小的、液态或气态的侵蚀性介质。
Model 117 is a direct acting hoist solenoid valve with a corresponding plastic case and a diaphragm with a PTFE coating. The device can be closed without the current with spring force. When connected, the magnetic core is attracted, thereby overcoming the spring force. Valves are especially suited for aggressive, liquid or gaseous aggressive media.
Compact design
Low power consumption
Short switching time
Lifting type armature valve with diaphragm
Suitable for aggressive media
burkert0117电磁阀 A 00.0 EPDM W23MS