burkert6013小水阀德国宝德电电磁阀 burkert 宝帝电磁阀,本链接上架的是电磁阀类别的介绍,报价并非产品实际的价格,如需确定采购,烦请客服咨询具体电磁阀的订货号(型号),拍前务必客服确定产品实际价格。可开17%增值税。
6013为直动式柱塞电磁阀。止动器与柱塞导管焊接在一起,以提高耐压性和密封性。根据不同的应用,可以选择各种密封材质。Bürkert底板接口使该阀可组合安装在底板上,节省空间。电磁线圈采用聚酰胺或耐化学腐蚀的环氧树脂封装。具有脉冲线圈式和带“kick and drop”电子线路式(2511插头),用以降低功耗。可选带手动开关式,用于快速调试和方便维护。与 DIN EN 17301-803 A 型电缆插头配套,该阀的安全防护等级为 IP65,不锈钢阀体式 NEMA 4X。
6013 is the direct acting plunger solenoid valve. The stopper and piston pipe are welded together to improve the pressure resistance and tightness. According to different applications, you can choose a variety of sealing materials. B rkert dedicated backplane interface so that the valve can be assembled on the base board, save space. The solenoid coil is packaged with polyamide or chemically resistant epoxy resin.