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burkert 6126电磁阀/一级代理
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The depiction of the products may differ from the actual specific design.
直动式摇臂电磁阀 6126 适合需要接通压缩空气、气体或轻微脏污液体的一般用途。介质只与外壳材料和 FKM 密封件相接触。注入到介质中的热量zui少,因为已通过一块不锈钢板将外壳与线圈相互分离。可直接使用法兰连接阀门,或者也可以直接安装单位或多位连接板。这种阀门可应用于少量介质的计量、灌注、混合和分配。
The direct-acting rocker solenoid valve, Type 6126, is suitable for general applications in which compressed air, gases or slightly contaminated liquids are to be switched. The medium is in contact exclusively with the housing material and the FKM seals. The heat input in the medium is minimal, because the housing is separated from the coil by a stainless steel plate. The valves can be mounted directly or also single or manifold mounted. They are used for dosing, filling, mixing and distributing small quantities of medium.