burkert 电磁阀00221605 从峰工业科技(上海)有限公司,本公司秉承“顾客*,锐意进取˜的经营理念,坚持“客户*˜的原则为广大客户提供优质的服务。
burkert 电磁阀00221605
221606 221609 221602 221605 221630 221633 227533 221728 270903 270899 227539 221753 227541 221757 221622 221625 221638 221641 227537 221736 221654 221657 221662 227535 221706 231574 221694 221695 221762 221765 222122 222125 227550 222143 227557 222159
burkert 电磁阀00221605 本公司秉承“顾客*,锐意进取˜的经营理念,坚持“客户*˜的原则为广大客户提供优质的服务。欢迎广大客户惠顾!上海乾拓销售的所有产品均配有技术资料、产品说明、开关符号及合适的附件。我们的服务:针对您的应用需求,为您提供专门的服务。高质量意味着客户满意。公司始终把客户满意放在*位。
The main features of BURKERT Bao 0124 type direct acting two position three way solenoid valve are that the outer leakage is blocked, the inner leakage is easy to control, and the use is safe. Internal and external leakage is the key factor endangering safety. Other automatic control valve usually extends the valve stem and controls the rotation or movement of the valve core by electric, pneumatic and hydraulic actuators. This should solve the long-term action of external dynamic seal valve stem leakage problem; only the electromagnetic solenoid valve is sealed with a magnetic force on the electric control valve separated from the magnetic core within the casing to complete there is no dynamic seal, so easy to block leakage. Electric valve torque control is not easy, easy to produce internal leakage, and even break the stem head; solenoid valve structure type easy to control leakage, until down to zero