5470 型阀门由一个 6104 型先导式摇臂电磁阀和一个气动阀构成。在先导式阀的外壳中,可翻转的楔铁会发生弯曲,类似于一个摇臂。它会将阀门接通。摇臂小幅度的翻转运动不会造成磨损;不需要基本润滑。供货的型号 5470 R,被设计成二位三通和二位四通阀门。阀门可借助于模块式法兰将单独串接。可使用连接模块将阀门整合成一个阀块。针对工作接口 2 和 4,存在不同的结构类型。
For selecting the correct product please refer to the technical data, images and notes 。
Type 5470 includes high switch reliable diaphragm seat valves as 3/2 and 4/2 way version. The valve consists of three modules, valve body with servo-diaphragm, plungers and seat seal as well as numerous connection possibilities for the service ports 2 and 4. The body and valve internal parts are made of high quality thermoplastic, the return spring of Stainless Steel. A 16 mm rocker solenoid valve type 6106 with rectifier is used as pilot. Tag connectors are used as electrical contact (acc. DIN 43 650 Form C) with the cable plug type 2506 or with female connectors on the available valve blocks of Burkert. The extendable type 5470 can be used for block modules (tag connectors in front) or for entire valve blocks (tag connectors at the back, coil spacing 19 mm)